Dear Men,

Welcome to session 5 with pastor Richard Box. Pastor Box will be bringing a particularly important message about integrity in our relationships. Pastor Box will say, “Integrity will be reflected in our most important relationships, if we have high integrity, we will have strong relationships, if we have low integrity, we will have weak relationships.” As men, we are called to “high integrity” in our relationships and in all areas of life. This means that honesty with ourselves is important for growth in relational integrity.

A man of “high integrity” also means that there is trust, truth, follow through on commitments, kept promises, and most importantly being firmly grounded in the love and Word of God.

“The person with integrity follows through on commitments, even when it’s no longer convenient.”— Charles R. Swindoll


The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. Proverbs 11:3 (NIV)


I hope that you enjoy Pastor Box’s challenge to you this week. Keep pressing forward in integrity!