There is no grand way in which we’ll overthrow such a deeply-imbedded evil as human trafficking. Rather, there is a process for finding people in chains and freeing them.
And at each point in the process there are many access points, many opportunities to chisel away at the problem as a whole. F.R.E.E. International works at all points, both directly with victims and by equipping others, to end slavery in total and for good.
“They would not call it slavery, but some other name. Slavery has been fruitful in giving herself names…and it will call itself by yet another name; and you and I and all of us had better wait and see what new form this old monster will assume, in what new skin this old snake will come forth.” –Fredrick Douglas (1818-1895)

A Range of Services

The BIG Search
The BIG Search was created as an event that can be hosted in multiple cities across the U.S. to coordinate volunteer groups and organizations to search for missing children within that city’s area.

Direct Outreach
F.R.E.E leads individuals, churches and nonprofit organizations out onto the streets – to strip clubs and brothels – and teaches them how to build relationships with and meet the needs of victims of the commercial sex trade.

Project H.O.M.E
Through Project H.O.M.E. (Hospitality Outreach for Missing and Exploited), we educate staff working in the hospitality industry on how to identify and help victims. We also distribute soaps and door hangers that encourage victims to call the National Human Trafficking Hotline for help.

No one person or organization will cure the world of human trafficking. Education and collaboration are necessary to stamp out trafficking community by community. F.R.E.E. International trains individuals and groups – from families to law enforcement, healthcare agencies and schools to churches and civic organizations – on how to be part of the solution.

Survivor Care
F.R.E.E International helps victims through all levels of their involvement in trafficking, including the moment they leave the life of slavery. We help with transportation tickets to wherever home is; with food, clothing and personal items; and with vouchers for emergency stays at a hotel. Whatever their immediate needs are, F.R.E.E. is there to help them take the next step towards freedom.

Legal Services
Trafficking victims have an urgent need for proper legal representation. F.R.E.E. keeps a national, constantly growing database of legal resources. We also work with the University of Miami Law School to offer the first fellowship program specific to human trafficking.